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23.03.2020 Chairman Desk

Congratulations and my very best wishes to the Graduating Class of 2019

Congratulations and my very best wishes to the Graduating Class of 2019. It is indeed an honour to share with you, this very important milestone in your life. Today is a testimony of your fortitude to persevere regardless of the circumstances confronting you. You recognized that the way to succeed is through hard work and determination and today is the evidence of that commitment and investment. MGM Educational Institutions provided for you an environment to explore the possibilities, challenge the boundaries and develop the boundless potential that resides in you. You have demonstrated that with God’s help, all things are possible.

It was Stephen Covey who stated that “I am not a product of my circumstances, I am a product of my decisions.” The future is yours – set goals, confront challenges and seize opportunities. Make sure you have a purpose and a passion for what you pursue. As you celebrate your accomplishments today, may you honour the God who has brought you thus far and continue to depend on Him for guidance, as you navigate this thing called LIFE.

Dr. Geevarghese Yohannan
Founder & Chairman



